Lady In The Casino

Lady In The Casino 1 - Lady In The Casino - Joke

The Las Vegas casino was virtually deserted and two male dealers at the craps table were idling away their time in the hope that business might soon improve.

Suddenly a stunningly attractive, buxom woman appeared and said she wanted to bet $20,000 on a single roll of the dice.

“Certainly mam,” said one of the dealers, happy to relieve the boredom.

“There’s just one thing though,” said the woman.

“What’s that?” said the dealer.

“Well I hope you don’t mind,” said the woman, “but playing topless always brings me luck. There’s hardly anyone about, so I’ll take off my blouse and bra before I roll the dice.”

She then quickly removed those garments exposing her ample assets and threw the dice, before yelling “I’ve won! I can’t believe it! I’ve won!”

She then scooped up all the money, picked up her clothes and disappeared in an instant.

The two dealers were stunned. “What did she roll?” asked one.

“I don’t know,” said the other. “I thought you’d be watching the dice!”