Pedro Where Are You Going

Pedro Where Are You Going 1 - Pedro Where Are You Going - Joke

Pedro lives in an orphanage.

One day Pedro is heading towards town with his hands claped together, when the padre who runs this orphanage asks Pedro, “What do you have in your hands and where are you going?”

Pedro replies, “Father, I have horseflies and I am going to town to get horses.”

Sure enough later Pedro comes back with two beautiful Arabians.

Next day Pedro walks past the priest again with the same question, “Pedro, what do you have in your hand and where are you going?”

Pedro replies once again, “Father I have butter and I am going to town to get butterflies.”

Sure enough Pedro returns with beautiful monarch butterflies.

The very next day Pedro is headed towards town once again when the Priest asks the same question, “Pedro what do you have in your hands and where are you going?”

Again Pedro replies, “Father I have Pussy willows-“

“Wait, Pedro!” says the Priest, “I’ll go with you!!”