The Rescuer

The Rescuer 2 - The Rescuer - Joke

Here is the situation, Jenny the farmer’s
wife looks out of her window.  What does she see but a bull in a field caught his head in between the bars of a feeder.

Jenny calls the fire brigade.
Their siren only makes the bull more agitated.  When they appraise the situation they realise they are not equipped to deal with cattle, so they phone for the RSPCA inspector to help free the animal.

Six hefty firemen and the inspector push and pull the
beast and eventually they wrestle its head from between the bars.

The bull was, by now, very angry and turned snorting at the men and began to attack them.
Fearing for their life, they hide in the animal feeder.
Whereupon the farmer’s
wife burst into tears of joy followed by tears of laughter.