The Pope Loves The Poor

A businessman finally saves up enough money to go to Rome and see the Pope.

He goes out and buys a nice suit and new shoes, packs his bags, and off he goes.

The next day, the Pope is walking through the crowd greeting different people and even a guy dressed as a bum but he just walks right by the businessman in his new wardrobe.

So, the man figures that maybe the Pope didn’t see him and tries again the following day.

The next day, again the Pope is walking through the crowd greeting different people and again, just walks right by the well-dressed businessman but greets the bum with a hug.

So the businessman asks the bum man, “How is it the Pope greets you 2 days in a row and yet walks right by me? I went out and bought new clothes to look presentable just to see him!”

The bum explains to him, “The Pope loves the poor!”

So the businessman asks the bum to switch clothes with him for the chance to get greeted by the Pope the following day.

Sure enough,  the Pope is walking through the crowd again and stops to greet the businessman in the bum’s clothing.

As he’s giving the man a hug, he whispers in the businessman’s ear, “I thought I told you, not to come around here anymore!”