New Job

New Job - New Job - Joke

Two men are hired to do a job in a building.

After the owner explains everything, he leaves.

When he returns a while later, he sees one man working diligently and the other man hanging on the ceiling, singing:

“I’m a chandelier, I’m a chandelier.”

The owner orders him to come down and get back to work.

A while later the owner returns to find the one working diligently and the other back on the ceiling, singing:

“I’m a chandelier, I’m a chandelier”, again.

“That’s it”, the owner replies, “you are fired.”

Then the owner notices that the man who had been working all the time was packing up all his things also.

“You’re not fired, just him”, the owner says.

The man replies, “Are you kidding? I can’t work without any light”.